Queenstown Gondola and Lake Wanaka.

Taken October 2005
QueenstownGondola (90K) Wanaka1 (83K) Wanaka2 (81K)

Lake Mattheson aka "Mirror Lake" and The Remarkables.

Taken October 2005
MirrorLake (40K) Remarkables (69K)

Carry on Up the Dart.

Taken October 2005
JetBoatDartRvr (82K) Canoe (89K) CanoeDart (80K)

The Doubtful Sound, The Navigator, Sound of mind...Doubtful.

Taken October 2005
ViewDS (74K) Navigator (59K) Stupidity1 (67K)

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. The light comes on at last. (Well sunrise at least).

Taken October 2005
Stupidity2 (53K) SunriseDS (34K)

The Doubtful Sound.

Taken October 2005
CruisingSnd2 (47K) CruisingSnd (57K)

Key Summit.

Taken October 2005
KeySummitRtrack (62K) KeySummitRtrack2 (82K)

The Milford Sound.

Taken October 2005
Milford (66K) Milford3 (69K) Milford4 (49K) Milford5 (38K)

The Milford Sound.

Taken October 2005
Milford2 (89K) Milford6 (104K)

Lake Te Anau and Seal.

Taken October 2005
LakeTeAriau (70K) SealsDunedin (85K)

Dunedin, looks like Edinburgh to me.

Taken October 2005
Dunedin (71K) Dunedin2 (96K) Dunedin3 (125K)

Moeraki Boulders and Nutter.

Taken October 2005
MoerakiBldrs (87K) MoerakiBldrs2 (55K) MoerakiBldrs3 (42K)

Possibly Lake Tekapo but Sarah's not sure.

Taken October 2005
LakeTekago (76K) LakeTekago4 (94K) LakeTekago2 (55K) LakeTekago3 (110K)

Supposedly this is Christchurch NZ but personally I think she nipped back to Cambridge.

Taken October 2005
ChristChurch (87K) ChristChurch2 (131K) ChristChurch3 (82K) ChristChurch4 (127K)

Arthurs Pass, Avalanche Peak (which She claims to have climbed), Arthurs Pass Station.

Taken November 2005
ArthursPass (93K) AvalanchePeak (72K) ArthursPassStation (106K)

View from Train, slighty better than view from a Bristol Train.

Taken November 2005
TrainView (58K) TrainView2 (67K)


Taken November 2005
Awaroa (73K) Awaroa2 (75K)

Cycling round Port Hills nr Christchurch and Kaikora.

Taken November 2005
PortHills (74K) Kaikora (46K)