Bay Of Islands, Auckland and 90 mile Beach, but Sarah sent us a picture of the bus.

Taken October 2005
BayofIslandss (52K) 90milebeach (29K)

Whoops, where's the water gone?

Taken October 2005
DuneSurfing (23K)

Sarah going blackwater rafting in cave system, not bad for someone scared of small dark spaces.

Taken October 2005
Blackwater1 (50K) Blackwater (36K)

Cape Rienga and Beach on North Island, Sarah's not very informative.

Taken October 2005
CapeRienga (48K) BeachNI (40K)

Haruru(meaning Big Noise) Falls and Huka river at Taupo, which it's illegal to canoe down.

Taken October 2005
HaruruFalls (67K) Hukariver (62K)

Sarah hard at work testing spa at Rotarua, a geothermal park.

Taken October 2005
geothermal2 (35K) thermalspa (77K)

Geothermal park and Sarah communing with Nature,a 2000 year old Koari.

Taken October 2005
geothermal1r (39K) Treehuggerr (106K)

Wellington ,now moved to the right island.

Taken October 2005
Wellington2 (70K) Wellington1 (60K)