St Peters Basilica.

Taken October 2007
StPeters (64K) St Peters Basilica built originally in the 4th century by Emperor Constantine. Built upon the grounds of Neros Stadium Ager Vaticanus where St Peter was said to have been executed. It fell into disrepair and reconstruction was started in 1506 by Julius II. it took 150 years to complete. The likes of Bramante, Raphael, Bernini but owes most to Michelangelo (whoever he is).
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Dome of St Peters and Pieta by that Michelangelo chap.

Taken October 2007
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Tombs to Alexander VII and Maria Clementina Sobieski, mother of Bonnie Prince Charlie.

Taken October 2007
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Roman Forum, centre of the Roman Empire.

Taken October 2007
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Roman Forum, picture below is Arc of Settimio Severo built 203 BC.

Taken October 2007
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Views of the Tiber, right picture towards St Peters acroos the Bridge of Angels.

Taken October 2007
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San Giovanni, offical cathedral of Rome.

Taken October 2007
sangiovanni (66K) cloisters (72K)

Cordonata, by Michelangelo, and Church of St Loyola where a dome isn't a dome.

Taken October 2007
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The Elefantino, 17th cent elephant with 6BC Egyptian Obelisk, Church of Minerva behind.

Taken October 2007
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Trevi Fountain. Statue of Victor Emmanuel II, first king of United Italy.

Taken October 2007
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Vatican museum, mental overload - too many things to see, so many people.

Taken October 2007
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Above Cortille della Pigna, literally courtyard of the pine cone named after a huge 1st century AD bronze pine cone on show. Above right a basin from Nero's Domus Aurea made of single piece of red porphyry stone. The overlooked wonder of the Vatican Museum the Map Gallery. Below the "Sphere within Sphere" by Arnaldo Pomodoro. Below and right Braccio Nuovo. No pictures of the Sistine Chapel as it was prohibited. mapgallery (98K)
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Pantheon, with the impossible dome. No picture of whole dome as lens not wide enough.

Taken October 2007
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Ostica Antica, original sea port of Rome now 3km from sea. Well worth a visit.

Taken October 2007
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