Field of Miracles, Duomo and Bapistry. Can you guess the city?

Taken August 2010
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San Frediano, Lucca

Taken August 2010
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San Michele in Foro, Lucca

Taken August 2010
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Blue square bathroom. Either pay 10 euros to see original David or nought to see a copy.

Taken August 2010
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Florence Duomo, described by Sarah as "hideous".

Taken August 2010
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Ponte Vechhio, with obligatory scafolding.

Taken August 2010
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Palazzo Vecchio.

Taken August 2010
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View from Campanile. San Croce.

Taken August 2010
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View from San Miniato al Monte. Best view of Florence. Best way to get there and around Florence is by bicycle.

Taken August 2010
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