Indiana Jackson at base camp.

Taken July 2010
basecamp basecamp1

The Class and a "lesson".

Taken July 2010
class pretend

The children were here last time I looked! (Burp).

Taken July 2010
savannah croc

"Mummy something strange is looking at me". Locals driving out an evil spirit.

Taken July 2010
lion lion2 sarah locals

"Damn - spotted!". Bird fails to grasp idea of camouflage.

Taken July 2010
leopard bird

"Can you name animals?" Sarah asks the class. Well that's lessons over for today.

Taken July 2010
elephant1 kudu2 legit night

"Hey Doris, just can't any peace these days".

Taken July 2010
hippo waterbuff

Wildlife spooked by threat of predator.

Taken July 2010
crocsign herd

Monkey enjoys view over lunch.

Taken July 2010
monkey sea

Can you spot the very odd one out? (Dolphin, fish, unknown land mammal, Whale Shark)

Taken July 2010
dolphin fish sarah1 whale1