View from Chalet. View to start the day with.

Taken December 2008
chaletview (110K) breakfast (97K)

Phil and Michael finding their natural place on the slopes.

Taken December 2008
cafe (125K) icanseeyou (103K)

Believed to be Sarah and a giant she found.

Taken December 2008
gotcold (111K) giantfound (98K)

"Did you see the Sumo?" Sarah asks Graham, who was taking the picture."No" replies Graham. So Sarah decides to make sure he can spot her.

Taken December 2008
didyousee (73K) pinksarah (56K) skigif1 (589K) whatarethese (613K)

From top of Masse towards Les Menuires, Sarah's favourite run. Can you pick the right destination?

Taken December 2008
somewhere1 (76K) whichway (51K)

Phil boarding in a stately manner, followed by his usual comment "I meant do that".

Taken December 2008
stately (125K) meantthat (116K)

Conditions take a turn for the worse. So bad some Indians get lost.

Taken December 2008
looksfun (73K) conditions (85K) conditions1 (82K) lostindians (80K)

I wonder what you do with these? Lets experiment.

Taken December 2008
forgot (55K) walk1 (1006K)

Our chalet hosts, Cat (standby worker) and Chris (worker). Michael never far from a PC. Proof I went boarding.

Taken December 2008
escapees (69K) athome (89K) yesiwent (118K)